The Gift Rapper,


For the holiday season, StubHub wanted to make the experience of ticket-gifting fun, personal and memorable. So we combined the power of hip hop and artificial intelligence to create a new way to gift wrap tickets: the Gift Rapper.

FWA Site of the day.


Over 10,000 possible raps

After answering questions about the gift itself and the gift receiver, users got a personalized 60-second song, with verses performed by MC Murs and tweaked for their specific circumstances. The accompanying video--rendered in low-res scenes to look like the stitches of a holiday sweater--also changed. Watch a sample rap and video below.


We also surprised customers in-store, with Rev Run rapping about their tickets. Mic drop.


A gift isn't a gift until it's rapped.

Who'd guess that a pun would become an integrated campaign with partnerships with The Ellen Show and a live stunt with Rev Run? Watch the case study video to see how we brought this idea to life. SPOILER ALERT: it helped StubHub to have its most profitable Cyber Monday ever.


Created at TBD with:

Leila Moussaoui (art director)
Bruno Menon (senior designer)
Rafael Rizuto (chief creative officer)


Ad Council

